import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np
import requests
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from matplotlib import rcParams
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from functions import *
plt.rcParams.update({'axes.titlepad': 20, 'font.size': 12, 'axes.titlesize':20})
colors = [(0/255,107/255,164/255), (255/255, 128/255, 14/255), 'red', 'green', '#9E80BA', '#8EDB8E', '#58517A']
Ncolors = 10
color_map =, 0.5, Ncolors))
#color_map =, 0.5, Ncolors))
To determine if a weight loss pill was effective, we conducted a study with 100 volunteers, split randomly into 2 groups. One group was given a placebo, the other the pill.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
weight = pd.read_csv('./data/weight_loss.csv', header=None)
weight_lost_a = weight.iloc[:,0]
weight_lost_b = weight.iloc[:,1]
mean_group_a = np.mean(weight_lost_a)
mean_group_b = np.mean(weight_lost_b)
plt.hist(weight_lost_a, label="group A")
plt.hist(weight_lost_b, label="group B")
plt.xlabel("Weight Loss in Kgs"), plt.ylabel("Number of ppl")
mean_difference = mean_group_b - mean_group_a
The permutation test involves simulating rerunning the study many times and check the distribution of a test statistics over these many iterations. This sampling distribution approximates the full range of possible test statistics under the null hypothesis. We can then check how likely it is to observe our mean difference under the null hypothesis (in the sampling distribution).
To simulate rerunning the study under the null hipothesis, we keep re-randomizing the groups that the weight loss values belong to.
Ideally, the number of times we re-randomize the groups that each data point belongs to matches the total number of possible permutations.
#assign random values to a or b, 1000 times, see the distribution of mean_b-mean_a
all_values = pd.concat([weight_lost_a,weight_lost_b])
mean_differences = []
for ii in range(1000):
group_a = []
group_b = []
for element in all_values:
iteration_mean_difference = np.mean(group_b) - np.mean(group_a)
plt.xlabel("Mean Difference"), plt.ylabel("Frequency")
sampling_distribution = {}
for element in mean_differences:
if sampling_distribution.get(element, False):
val = sampling_distribution.get(element)
sampling_distribution[element] = val + 1
sampling_distribution[element] = 1
frequencies = []
for key, element in sampling_distribution.items():
p_value = np.sum(frequencies)/1000.
Looking at a subset of data from US income and demographics we see that of the 32561 rows, 10771 are Female and 21790 are Male. Since the full census has about 50-50, these numbers seem a bit off (should be 16280.5 each).
obs_females = 10771
exp_females = 16280.5
female_diff = (obs_females - exp_females)**2/exp_females
obs_males = 21790
exp_males = 16280.5
male_diff = (obs_males - exp_males)**2/exp_males
gender_chisq = female_diff + male_diff
We can translate a chi-squared value into a statistical significance value using a chi-squared sampling distribution and a p-value. If we repeatedly generate random samples that contain 32561 samples, and graph the chi-squared value of each sample, we'll be able to generate a distribution.
chi_squared_values = []
expected_male = 16280.5
expected_female = 16280.5
for ii in range(1000):
#random between 0 and 1
result = np.random.random(32561)
obs_male = len(result[result<0.5])
obs_female = len(result[result>=0.5])
male_diff = (obs_male - expected_male)**2/expected_male
female_diff = (obs_female - expected_female)**2/expected_female
plt.xlabel("Chi-Square"), plt.ylabel("Frequency")
Same as before but also including income: multi-category chi-square.
We can use our total proportions to calculate expected values. 24.1% of people earn >50k, 33.1% of people are Female, so we expect .241 * .331 = .0799771 female that earn >50k to be (observed proportion is .036)
from scipy.stats import chisquare
males = 0.669
females = 0.331
over_50k = 0.241
under_50k = 0.759
total = 32561
males_over50k = males*over_50k*total
males_under50k = males*under_50k*total
females_over50k = females*over_50k*total
females_under50k = females*under_50k*total
observed = np.array([6662, 15128, 1179, 9592])
expected = np.array([males_over50k, males_under50k, females_over50k, females_under50k])
chisq_gender_income, p_value = chisquare(observed, expected)
print("Chi-Square: %0.2f, p_value: %0.2f" % (chisq_gender_income, p_value))
import pandas as pd
income = pd.read_csv('./data/income.csv')
table = pd.crosstab(income["sex"],[income["race"]])
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency
observed = pd.crosstab(income['sex'],[income['race']])
chisq_value_gender_race, pvalue_gender_race, df, expected = chi2_contingency(observed)
print("Chi-Square: %0.2f, p_value: %0.2f" % (chisq_value_gender_race, pvalue_gender_race))
print("\nExpect counts:")