Project: Statistics (Analyzing Movie Reviews)

Questions to address:

  • Investigate if Fandango ratings are biased
  • Look at outliers between the Fandango and Metacritic ratings
  • Do a linear regression to predict Fandango ratings
  • Investigated if Fandango ratings are biased after 2016 review of scores
    • Check which movies and what type of information is available in the old and new dataset
  • Compare Fandango's 2015 and 2016 ratings distribution


  • df.mean,, np.std()
  • quick pandas plotting
  • df.sort_values('col', axis=0, ascending=False, inplace=True)
  • df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
  • slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, stderr_slope = linregress()
  • plot.kde,

load defaults

In [52]:
import pandas as pd
import re
import numpy as np
import requests 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from matplotlib import rcParams
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

from functions import *

plt.rcParams.update({'axes.titlepad': 20, 'font.size': 12, 'axes.titlesize':20})

colors = [(0/255,107/255,164/255), (255/255, 128/255, 14/255), 'red', 'green', '#9E80BA', '#8EDB8E', '#58517A']
Ncolors = 10
color_map =, 0.5, Ncolors))
#color_map =, 0.5, Ncolors))

Dataset 1: FiveThirtyEight information on how major movie review services rated movies

In [53]:
movies = pd.read_csv('./data/fandango_score_comparison.csv')
FILM RottenTomatoes RottenTomatoes_User Metacritic Metacritic_User IMDB Fandango_Stars Fandango_Ratingvalue RT_norm RT_user_norm
0 Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) 74 86 66 7.1 7.8 5.0 4.5 3.70 4.3
1 Cinderella (2015) 85 80 67 7.5 7.1 5.0 4.5 4.25 4.0
2 Ant-Man (2015) 80 90 64 8.1 7.8 5.0 4.5 4.00 4.5
3 Do You Believe? (2015) 18 84 22 4.7 5.4 5.0 4.5 0.90 4.2

The dataset contains user and critic scores from RottenTomatoes, Metacritic, IMDB, and Fandango. Each service has ratings on a different scale:

  • RottenTomatoes - 0-100, in increments of 1.
  • Metacritic - 0-100, in increments of 1.
  • IMDB - 0-10, in increments of .1.
  • Fandango - 0-5, in increments of .5.

To make it easier to compare scores across services:

  • Any column with the suffix _norm is the corresponding column changed to a 0-5 scale.
  • Any column with the suffix _round is the rounded version of another column.

In [51]:
df = pd.read_csv('./data/movie_ratings_16_17.csv')

#select only fandango ratings
selection = ['movie', 'year', 'fandango']
new_fandango = df[selection]
movie year fandango
0 10 Cloverfield Lane 2016 3.5
1 13 Hours 2016 4.5
2 A Cure for Wellness 2016 3.0

Analysis 1: Investigate Whether Fandango ratings are biased

Q1: Quick comparison between Metacritic and Fandango ratings

In [54]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline


Q2: Analyise population statistic for Metacritic and Fandango (mean, median and std)

In [55]:
import numpy as np

mean_Metacritic = movies['Metacritic_norm_round'].mean()
median_Metacritic = movies['Metacritic_norm_round'].median()
std_dev_Metacritic = np.std(movies['Metacritic_norm_round'])

mean_Fandango = movies['Fandango_Stars'].mean()
median_Fandango = movies['Fandango_Stars'].median()
std_dev_Fandango = np.std(movies['Fandango_Stars'])

print("Mean Fandango: %0.2f, Mean Metacritic: %0.2f" % (mean_Fandango, mean_Metacritic))
print("Median Fandango: %0.2f, Median Metacritic: %0.2f" % (median_Fandango, median_Metacritic))
print("Std_dev Fandango: %0.2f, Std_dev Metacritic: %0.2f" % (std_dev_Fandango, std_dev_Metacritic))
Mean Fandango: 4.09, Mean Metacritic: 2.97
Median Fandango: 4.00, Median Metacritic: 3.00
Std_dev Fandango: 0.54, Std_dev Metacritic: 0.99
  • The Fandango mean is higher than the median - distribution skewed towards high values

  • The Fandango standard deviation is lower - "thiner" distribution

These stats seem to indicate that Fandango ratings are biased high.

Q3: Look at the largest outliers in the difference between Metacritic and Fandango ratings

  • Scatter plot between two ratings
  • Calculate which movies have the largest absolute difference in ratings
In [56]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,5))
ax= plt.subplot()
ax.scatter(movies['Metacritic_norm_round'],movies['Fandango_Stars'], label='')
#show 1-to-1 line
xx = np.arange(0,5,0.1)
ax.plot(xx,xx, label='1-to-1 line')
ax.set_xlim(0.,5.5), ax.set_xlim(0.,5.5)
ax.legend(), ax.set_ylabel('Fandango Rating'), ax.set_xlabel('Metacritic Rating')
In [57]:
movies['fm_diff'] = np.absolute(movies['Metacritic_norm_round'] - movies['Fandango_Stars'])
sorted_movies = movies.sort_values('fm_diff', axis=0, ascending=False)
sorted_movies.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) 
                      FILM  fm_diff
0   Do You Believe? (2015)      4.0
1        Little Boy (2015)      3.0
2             Annie (2014)      3.0
3            Pixels (2015)      3.0
4  The Longest Ride (2015)      3.0
  • There are large differences between the two ratings and a large number of outliers where Fandango ratings are larger

Q4: Look at the correlation coefficient between Fandango_Stars and Metacritic_norm_round

In [58]:
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr

r, p_value = pearsonr(movies['Fandango_Stars'], movies['Metacritic_norm_round'])

  • there is a low correlation between the two value indicating that one (ot the two) might be arbitrary
  • this is another hint that Fandango rating smight be biased

Q5: Create a linear regression to see what the predicted Fandango score would be based on the Metacritic score

In [59]:
from scipy.stats.stats import linregress
slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, stderr_slope = linregress(movies['Metacritic_norm_round'], movies['Fandango_Stars'])

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5,5))

plt.scatter(movies['Metacritic_norm_round'], movies['Fandango_Stars'])
xx = np.arange(0,5,0.1)
yy = xx*slope+intercept
plt.xlim(0,5.5), plt.ylim(0,5.5)
  • There is almost no variation in the Fandango ratings. Therefore the Fandango rating is ~4 for any Metacritic rating

Analysis 2: Investigate Whether Fandango ratings are still biased after 2016 review of scores

Select some columns from the old ratings data set and slipt 'FILM' into movie and year

In [93]:
old_selection = ['FILM', 'Fandango_Stars', 'Fandango_Ratingvalue', 'Fandango_votes', 'Fandango_Difference']
old_fandango = movies[old_selection]

old_fandango.loc[:,'movie'] = old_fandango['FILM'].apply(lambda x: x.split('(')[0])
old_fandango.loc[:,'year'] = old_fandango['FILM'].apply(lambda x: int(x.split('(')[1].replace(')','')))

FILM Fandango_Stars Fandango_Ratingvalue Fandango_votes Fandango_Difference movie year
0 Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) 5.0 4.5 14846 0.5 Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015
1 Cinderella (2015) 5.0 4.5 12640 0.5 Cinderella 2015
2 Ant-Man (2015) 5.0 4.5 12055 0.5 Ant-Man 2015

Q1: Check which movies are available in the old and new datasets

In [96]:
old_popular = old_fandango[old_fandango['Fandango_votes']>30]
print("Fraction of popular movies in the old dataset: %0.1f" % float(len(old_popular)/len(old_fandango)) )
Fraction of popular movies in the old dataset: 1.0
  • New data set is only for popular movies
  • Old dataset also has more than 30 votes in each movie so they are likely similar
In [97]:
2015    129
2014     17
Name: year, dtype: int64
2016    191
2017     23
Name: year, dtype: int64
  • years 2014 and 2017 have few movies. Let's focus on 2015 and 2016
In [99]:
fandango_2015 = old_popular.loc[old_popular['year']==2015,:]
fandango_2016 = new_fandango.loc[new_fandango['year']==2016,:]

FILM Fandango_Stars Fandango_Ratingvalue Fandango_votes Fandango_Difference movie year
0 Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) 5.0 4.5 14846 0.5 Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015
1 Cinderella (2015) 5.0 4.5 12640 0.5 Cinderella 2015
2 Ant-Man (2015) 5.0 4.5 12055 0.5 Ant-Man 2015
movie year fandango
0 10 Cloverfield Lane 2016 3.5
1 13 Hours 2016 4.5
2 A Cure for Wellness 2016 3.0

Q2: Compare the distribution for Fandango's ratings in 2015 vs 2016

In [110]:
print('2015 ratings:')

print('\n2016 ratings:')
2015 ratings:
3.0     8.527132
3.5    17.829457
4.0    28.682171
4.5    37.984496
5.0     6.976744
Name: Fandango_Stars, dtype: float64

2016 ratings:
2.5     3.141361
3.0     7.329843
3.5    24.083770
4.0    40.314136
4.5    24.607330
5.0     0.523560
Name: fandango, dtype: float64
In [106]:'fivethirtyeight')

fandango_2015['Fandango_Stars'].plot.kde(label='2015', legend = True, figsize = (5,4))
fandango_2016['fandango'].plot.kde(label='2016', legend = True)

# the `y` parameter pads the title upward
plt.title("Fandango's ratings (2015 vs 2016)", y = 1.02) 
plt.xlim(0,5) # because ratings start at 0 and end at 5
  • Both distributions are strongly left skewed
  • The 2016 distribution is slightly shifted to the left relative to the 2015 distribution (indicating some re-normalization)

Q3: Compare summary statistics for 2015 vs 2016

In [112]:
mean_2015 = fandango_2015['Fandango_Stars'].mean()
mean_2016 = fandango_2016['fandango'].mean()

median_2015 = fandango_2015['Fandango_Stars'].median()
median_2016 = fandango_2016['fandango'].median()

mode_2015 = fandango_2015['Fandango_Stars'].mode()[0] # the output of Series.mode() is a bit uncommon
mode_2016 = fandango_2016['fandango'].mode()[0]

summary = pd.DataFrame()
summary['2015'] = [mean_2015, median_2015, mode_2015]
summary['2016'] = [mean_2016, median_2016, mode_2016]
summary.index = ['mean', 'median', 'mode']

2015 2016
mean 4.085271 3.887435
median 4.000000 4.000000
mode 4.500000 4.000000
In [117]:'fivethirtyeight')
summary['2015'] = '#0066FF', align = 'center', label = '2015', width = .25)
summary['2016'] = '#CC0000', align = 'edge', label = '2016', width = .25, rot = 0, figsize = (5,4))

plt.title('Summary statistics: 2015 vs 2016', y = 1.02)
plt.legend(framealpha = 0, loc = 'upper center')


  • That there's indeed a slight difference between Fandango's ratings for popular movies in 2015 and Fandango's ratings for popular movies in 2016.
  • On average, popular movies released in 2016 were rated lower on Fandango than popular movies released in 2015.
  • We cannot be completely sure what caused the change, but the chances are very high that it was caused by Fandango fixing the biased rating system.
In [ ]: